Post dateSeptember 8, 2023 DOES THE CLEAN ENERGY HAVE A CONNECTION TO THE LITERATION RATE?, COMMEMORATING THE INTERNATIONAL LITERACY DAY 2023 Based on data, Indonesia has reached 99.7% literacy rate in the year 2021. It...
Post dateAugust 16, 2023 THE INDEPENDENCE OF PEOPLE IN ENERGY SECTOR It is widely known that Indonesia has reached 98% of the electrification ratio. Considering...
Post dateAugust 12, 2023 COMMEMORATION OF INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY 2023, The Youth Impact in Sustainable Energy Development The International Youth Year was established in 1985 and the following events led the...
Post dateJuly 19, 2023 Celebrating Islamic New Year 1445 H and The Commitment to Maintain the Act on Campaigning Clean Energy Sustainability Clean Energy and Sustainable Activity Clean Energy refers to the energy to produce electricity,...
Post dateJuly 16, 2023 GAWIREA got a chance to be the reward achiever in Green and Blue Economy Competition YELP GAWIREA, a developing Women Empowerment and RE-based foundation, have been set the goals to...
Post dateJanuary 4, 2023 PLTMH Harowu; Gotong Royong Masyarakat Dayak Membangun Energi Terbarukan Desa Harowu berhasil terapkan energi bersih sebagai sumber elektrifikasi